PC Singles attended a Cowboy Cookout in April.
Yeee-haaaw! What a fabulous day the 20 of us had at the Corral West Adventures, Cowboy Cookout, on Saturday, April 9, 2016!
Seven of our brave singles jumped on horses and rode off into the hills with their guide while the rest of us sane cow pokes sat comfortably in a horse-drawn wagon headin’ for those same hills!
We all met up at a beautiful, pre-planned campsite for the fantastic catered Famous Dave’s BBQ dinner! While we all mingled around the munchie table “Doc,” our wandering Maestro, serenaded us with songs and jokes as he strummed his guitar!
After we finished our meal we moseyed on over to a crackling campfire for more singing and comedy with Doc. He made us all sing a bunch of old Country cowboy songs that brought tears to our eyes and laughter to our lips! He even sang us a beautiful song he wrote himself about his beautiful young daughter!
And, if that wasn’t enough—the ranch hands topped off our wonderful day by giving each of us a marshmallow roasting switch to make our own S’mores! What fun! And, speaking of lips! (I think it’s safe to say it’s been quite a while since any of us had lapped our lips around two graham crackers stuffed with toasty marshmallows and chocolate squares!) Really brought back memories for us! I, for one, would love to go back! Wouldn’t you?
Sound like a good time to you? Well, you can join us for many exciting, fun filled activities just like this!
If you’re a PebbleCreek single, homeowner, permanent renter or even a snowbird, you can join us!
The PebbleCreek Singles Board would like to reiterate that our club is one of the most active clubs in PebbleCreek. We are not a dating club but a social club that fosters friendships and camaraderie.
We singles, as a group, do so many diverse activities I can’t name them all! Like bowling, golf, movies, day tripping, PC plays, area theatrical performances, river rafting, cards, Bunco, Pictionary, Yahtzee and Rummikub! We have Beat the Heat pool parties and, yes, the ever popular sport in PC—Bocce Ball! (Just to name a few)
So, if you’re tired of being alone, eating alone or just bored to tears and don’t want to be alone—come check out our club! We’d love to meet you!
We meet on the first Sunday of the month in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom.
The doors open at 2:15 p.m. for new prospective members; at 2:30 p.m. members and guests start arriving to sign up for activities. The meeting starts promptly at 3:00 p.m. Then, it’s on to a pre-arranged venue for dinner! We sincerely hope to see you at our next meeting, July 3, 2016!
You can also go to our new, improved, mobile friendly website: www.PebbleCreekSingles.com or contact Vice President Rhissa Pontrelli at [email protected].
Come on! Join in the fun! Don’t be a loner! Be a PC singler!