It takes friends and family to move those risers! In truck, Russ Best; on the ground, left to right: Don Hlusak, Doug Will, Rex Nelsen, Dan Baker, Ted Ingalls, John Husk, and Bill Palmer.
Diane Piehl
The PebbleCreek Singers spring concert, “Love Is in the Air” is now part of our history. Thank you to our community for continued support of the performing arts in PebbleCreek. These undertakings take many hands, including from some of our members and friends moving the risers into the theater. The chorus will be on hiatus until mid-August when rehearsals will begin anew for the holiday concert. In the event you wish to mark your calendars, those dates are Dec. 4-7, 2024.
The PebbleCreek Singers currently has openings in all voice sections. Reading music is not a requirement. If you can match a pitch, enjoy harmonizing, and love being part of a choral group, you are on your way to becoming a PC Singer. There is an easy audition to determine voice placement. Choral music is provided for each singer from our music library, along with recordings of each individual voice part that is downloaded on your computer so that you can listen as often as needed to learn your notes. If you’re interested in being a part of the chorus, act now. Reach out to Virginia Baker at 623-248-6323 for more details. Be on stage with us for the holiday concert!