Flannel receiving blankets for Abrazo West Hospital made by Sewing Club members
Cathy Howell
The PebbleCreek Sewing Club members are having a busy spring. We were gifted with a box of partially completed adult bibs. It was decided that we would finish those and make some additional ones. We were able to get 30 bibs made, and they are headed to a hospice facility for distribution in the west valley.
We also had scheduled a day to make flannel receiving blankets for Abrazo West Hospital. Twenty-five were completed, with some of our members taking kits home to work on. The group has one more project on the list, making market bags on May 3. Then we are off for the summer, though the Diamondback room is available all Wednesdays for sewing, there just aren’t classes scheduled until September.
If you are interested in joining the Sewing Club, contact Kathy Brown at kjbrown374@gmail or 303-882-8727.