Left to right: Julie Baird, Darlene Helker, Deb Campbell, Debbie Arsenault, Linda Rowe, Cynthia Schwartz, Roberta Penchina, Hiromi Bashore
The PebbleCreek (PC) Quilters club introduced the newly elected 2023-24 board members at the annual spring luncheon held on April 10 in the Tuscany Ballroom. Elected members are:
President: Debbie Arsenault
Vice-President: Linda Rowe
Treasurer: Darlene Helker
Secretary: Julie Baird
Publicity: Cynthia Schwartz
Community Service: Hiromi Bashore
Education: Deb Campbell
Long Arm Chairperson: Roberta Penchina
While the 2023-24 board members all share a passion for quilting and volunteering, each member embarked on a personal quilting journey at different times and via different avenues.
* Debbie has had a passion for sewing and crafting her entire life. She learned how to knit in fourth grade while in the Girl Scouts. One of her first quilting projects, 20 years ago, was a rag quilt that still sits on her couch.
* Linda began quilting in her 40s and burned up her 30-year-old sewing machine while making her first quilt, a king size quilt. She didn’t realize that this was a crazy task for a newbie. Linda has since become an accomplished quilter.
* Darlene enrolled in a Quilting 101 class at a community college. She fell in love with quilting, especially the touch, feel, and smell of fabric. She quilted every morning while drinking a cup of coffee and listening to Good Morning America.
* While living in Japan, Julie belonged to a women’s group of Japanese and foreign women where she learned the paper piecing technique. Her very first quilting project was a paper pieced kimono quilt.
* After strolling into the Fiber Arts Room at the PC Creative Arts Center, Cynthia bought a sewing machine and learned 1/4” seams. She now creates fabric art, I-Spy quilts for children, and quilted market bags adorned with humorous faces of ladies.
* Hiromi loved to sew and joined the club to learn the intricacies of quilting and became an active volunteer.
* Deb learned to sew as a Brownie Girl Scout. She had a quilt that her grandmother made and she wanted to learn how to create something similar. This started her off on her quilting journey at age 22.
* After becoming interested in quilt history, Roberta conducted quilting demonstrations and talked to visitors at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont. She started her own long arm business before moving to PebbleCreek.
Looking forward to another great year of quilting, Debbie Arsenault commented, “I am proud to be given the opportunity to serve the club as president for the coming year. We look forward to continuing the long tradition of our charity works, as well as social activities that build strong friendships among our quilters.”