PebbleCreek Live On Stage – March 2024

ShowTime—‘Celebrating 25 Years of Entertainment’ Tickets on Sale

It takes a casita filled to the brim with costumes, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. to dress the cast of “25 Years of Entertainment.” From left to right, Lynne Carlyle, JoAnn Smyth, and Ann Roman.

Laurie Farquhar

ShowTime’s spring spectacular, Celebrating 25 Years of Entertainment, will be the most exciting and high-energy production ever as the resident theater company celebrates its silver anniversary. More than 75 performers; over 100 songs, dances, and comedy routines; plus some amazing videos will highlight the best that ShowTime has presented to PebbleCreek audiences over the past quarter century. There will be great music, dancing, laughter, and to top it all, there will be costumes. Lots and lots of fun and colorful costumes.

How do you dress so many singers, dancers, and actors, especially since some of the outfits that are needed are very unusual?

Lynne Carlyle has taken on the task of finding costumes for all of the performers and she says at first, it was a bit overwhelming. “With 52 cast members and 25 dancers, all needing multiple changes, well over 300 costumes will be planned, organized, staged, and fitted before they can be presented to an audience,” she says “One of the biggest challenges has been the diverse styles appropriate to different eras. There is turn of the century, ’30s, ’50s, and Disney, among others. And details matter. Once an appropriate costume is located, it likely needs accessories and altering to fit.”

To find all of these costumes, Lynne has recruited Ann Roman and JoAnn Smyth, and the three of them have scoured costume rental shops, thrift stores, and cast members’ closets in their search for the perfect pieces. In addition, Kathy Luders and Dale Everson are helping with sewing and alterations. It is a labor of love.

ShowTime—Celebrating 25 Years of Entertainment runs six nights from Monday, April 8 to Saturday, April 13. All performances are in the Renaissance Theater, starting at 7 p.m.

Tickets for this extravaganza go on sale Saturday, March 9 at 8 a.m. and can be purchased online at the HOA website at You do not need to log into the website. Just click on “Things to Do” and then on “Ticket Sales.”

It is reserved seating with all seats only $16.50, which includes the service fees. VISA and MasterCard are accepted. If you need help with your purchase, please call JoAnn Smyth at 623-466-8471 and she will be happy to assist you over the phone.

From Broadway to Hollywood and from Country to Rock and Roll, ShowTime’s musicals and original revues over the past 25 years have covered almost every genre of music imaginable, which means there has been a kaleidoscope of quirky and colorful costumes. Celebrating 25 Years of Entertainment will be a feast for the eyes as ShowTime does what it has always done—entertaining PebbleCreek audiences with the best of the best.

PC Singers Concert Tickets Available March 25

PC Singers welcome new members for the spring concert. Left to right: George Dallas, tenor; Becky Rodes, first soprano; John Greenleaf, bass; Mary O’Neill, alto; Jeff Smidt, baritone.

Donna Swagger

Spring is just around the corner and “Love Is in the Air!” PebbleCreek Singers are bursting with song as they diligently rehearse for their annual spring concert. Ticket sales begin Monday, March 25, at 8 a.m. Tickets are $16.50 each (handling fee included) and can be ordered online. Log on to, click on Things to Do—Tickets—PC Singers—Buy Tickets. Performance dates are Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at 7 p.m. in the Renaissance Theater.

“Love Is in the Air” features songs about young love, forever love, dreams of love, and love of country. The concert opens with “More Than Yesterday,” a jazzy arrangement of the 1969 hit by Spiral Staircase. The sopranos and altos sing about “sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at suppertime” as they perform the McGuire Sisters hit, “Sugartime.” The tenors, baritones, and basses vocalize their infatuation with “Lydia, the Tattooed Lady!” In addition to love songs, the chorus will also perform some patriotic numbers, gospel songs, and a traditional Irish tune. This is a mere sample of what’s in store for concertgoers. You don’t want to miss one note, one beat, or one word of this fantastic production!

Mark your calendar for Monday, March 25, at 8 a.m. to purchase your reserved seat for “Love Is in the Air.” You’re sure to enjoy this concert that the chorus has prepared especially for you!

ShowTime Auditions Next Month

Laurie Farquhar

Is it too early to think about Christmas? ShowTime is already gearing up for auditions for its fall production, A 1940’s Radio Christmas Carol, and you are invited to try out for a role in this musical twist on the classic Dickens holiday tale.

The story takes place on Christmas Eve 1943 in a little hole-in-the-wall radio station in Newark, New Jersey, where a group of radio actors is preparing to broadcast their own version of “A Christmas Carol.” To help them, they have brought in an aging Broadway star who has never performed on radio. The result is a mixture of laughter, chaos, and heart-tugging wartime grief, plus some jazzy 1940’s style songs and traditional Christmas carols.

A 1940’s Radio Christmas Carol will run six nights, from Monday, Nov. 18 to Saturday Nov. 23. However, auditions are coming up next month, on Wednesday, April 17 in the Renaissance Theater, 5 to 8 p.m., and on Friday, April 19 in the Renaissance Theater, 3 to 6 p.m. Rehearsals will begin in early September.

There are 12 speaking parts, plus eight ensemble singers. Audition material and copies of the script will be available after March 4 by contacting either the Director, Laurie Farquhar, at [email protected] or 503-936-1255 or the Producer, Patti Wegehaupt, at [email protected] or 623-536-7233.

A 1940’s Radio Christmas Carol has all of the elements of a great holiday production, with good music, fun live sound effects, and unexpected twists in a well-loved story. It will be a terrific way to kick off the Christmas season. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of it?

Auditions Scheduled for Agatha Christie’s ‘Mousetrap’

Carrie Mataraza

During a dark and stormy night an eclectic group of strangely secretive and highly suspicious guests check into a guesthouse in the English countryside. Fueled by a radio report of murder in London and a detective sergeant arriving on skis, tensions mount, accusations are made, and clues are uncovered in Agatha Christie’s “Mousetrap.”

PebbleCreek Players will mount this classic mystery Oct. 23 through 26. Be part of the fun! Auditions for the three female and five male cast members will be held March 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Sienna Room, and March 13 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Palermo Room. Check out your audition packet from Patti Wegehaupt in the Activities Office beginning the week of Feb. 19.