PebbleCreek French Club Fête de Noel

George Philippon

The PebbleCreek (PC) French Club celebrated their annual Fête de Noel at the home of Carol Kirkwood, a recent PC resident and club member. Surrounded by beautiful Christmas decorations, the group enjoyed their usual conversations in French with wine, but also an assortment of foods from members’ traditional French Christmases. There were samplings from France and French-Canadian Canada.

Shown here in front of Carol’s lovely Christmas village are (front row) Josee Jackman, Mauricette May, and hostess Carol Kirkwood; (middle row) Sharon Webb, Nicole Lambert, Lili Paul, George Philippon, Janice Gerhart, Gerard Couturier; (back row) Yvon Lambert and Marie-Christine Couturier.

Denise Beeson will be a guest speaker at the club’s next meeting to explore the possibilities of genealogical research into French ancestry. If you’re not a club member, email [email protected] to get details for joining the conversation.