Emmie Busby
PebbleCreek Community Church is excited to welcome our new music director, Emmie Busby, to our congregation. Many will recall we started our search for a music director in the PebbleCreek Post back in January. That search took us afar—we found Emmie, or better she found us, in Dallas, Texas, where she recently graduated from Southern Methodist University summa cum laude with two bachelor’s degrees of music, one in vocal performance and one in music education. She is excited to move to Arizona to be with our congregation. And, of course, she is excited to be here with her high school sweetheart and new husband, Senior Airman David Busby, and their pets, dog Tallahassee and cockatiel Buddy.
Emmie was introduced to our congregation the last Sunday in June. Over the summer, with snowbirds having flown, she plans to sift through the musical history of our church while getting acquainted with our congregation. She looks forward to the fall when she can call on our full choir to once again fill our worship services with their special songs. Until then, Emmie will be leading our congregation in song and periodically singing solos.
Emmie comes from a family of musical talent. She participated with the Dallas Opera Children’s Chorus for seven years, and with the Dallas Opera at the age of 11. She is a two-year member of the Texas All-State Choir and has appeared as a soloist with the TowerArts Concert Series in Dallas. She has also appeared with the SMU Opera Theater, and as a staff singer at Highland Park United Methodist Church for their chancel choir program.
Please join us at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings when we convert our Eagle’s Nest Ballroom into a house of worship, followed by a time of fellowship. Meet Emmie and join with our congregation in worship and song. Further information about our church is found at www.churchpcc.org.