PebbleCreek Artists Sketched Away the Month of June

Emily Grotta

This summer, some 40 members of the PebbleCreek Art Club spent 30 minutes every day in the month of June putting pencil or pen to paper as part of the 30-30 sketch group.

This is the second summer for the sketching group, which Betty Jean Kennedy began in 2022 as a way for artists to get into the habit of drawing every day, and thus improving their skills. Before picking up a paintbrush or putting paint on canvas, artists know the key to a successful painting is sketching it first to make certain the composition is successful.

As John Sloan, an American painter and founder of the Ashcan school of art, said, “The important thing is to keep drawing when you start to paint. Never graduate from drawing.” Or, as Arshile Gorky, who had a seminal influence on Abstract Expressionism, wrote: “Drawing is the basis of art. A bad painter cannot draw. But one who draws well can always paint.”

Carol Collins, who is participating from Minnesota and submitted sketches of horses,  wrote, “The painting I am currently working on has five horses, so I’m getting some practice before painting them.”

The artists’ sketches vary widely in subject: their pencil sharpeners, flowers on the table, blankets thrown over chairs, and more. Most are done in pencil or ink, but some use watercolors, pastels, or colored pencils as well.

Many of the artists had learned about last year’s 30-30 group and were eager to join the experience. While last year the sketches were simply emailed to everyone in the group, with so many members this summer an online Google group was established.

Cynthia Lavin recently moved to PebbleCreek. “I am so excited to participate for the first time. It was a big move from Chicago, and this is just what I want to get back into this creative flow/path,” she said.

“This is a genius program for all artists in PC,” wrote Cathy Lai. “I feel lucky and appreciate this opportunity. This is my first year to join, and I feel that I can learn a lot from all the talented artists.”

The artists range from novice to professional, with many who were Artist of the Month in previous years. Everyone’s sketches are appreciated and encouraged, with friendly comments such as “Great work” or “love your creativity.”

While no one needs to be in PebbleCreek to participate, those who are here are encouraged to come to the Creative Arts Center for open studio from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, except Wednesday morning. It’s a chance to escape the heat while interacting with other artists.

For more information about the PebbleCreek Art Club, please visit