Several flight winners—Back row (l to r): Robert Rochefort, Rob Kraft, Bill McKinney, Jim Tratz, Steve Temple, and Jack Schafer, Front row (l to r): John Curtin, Paul Parker, Mike Burke, Marty Schlotthauer, and Glenn Breen
Howie Tiger
The annual PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) Member-Member tourney was played on March 16, 18, and 23 using all three of our courses. A total of 122 two-man teams competed in 10 flights. Each team member was able to play from their selected choice of tees (Blue, Blue/White, White, or White/Red).
Scramble was the format for round one. One best-ball net was the format for round two. The format for the third and final round was a two net-aggregate. Flights 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 played the Eagle’s Nest/Tuscany Falls West/Tuscany Falls East rotation. Flights 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 played the Tuscany Falls East/Eagle’s Nest/Tuscany Falls West rotation.
Each playing member received a PCMGA logo Greg Norman shirt as a tee gift. Lunch and drinks were provided in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom following play after the final round.
The annual PCMGA member meeting was held and several announcements were made. Officers for the 2023-24 season were elected. Congratulations to Jack Stipp (president), Kurt Eleam (vice president), Joe Grande (secretary), and Roger Douglas (treasurer). They take office on June 1.
Special thanks to our outgoing president, John Abercrombie, who has served for seven consecutive years on the PCMGA Board either as an officer or social events chairman!
Tournament Winners
Flight 1: 1st place—Jack Schafer and Steve Temple, 2nd place—Brian Maine and Bill Volm, 3rd place—Wade Biddix and Paul Vogt.
Flight 2: 1st place—Steve Annable and Wayne Gearig, 2nd place—Scot Becraft and Bob Parise, 3rd place—Kurt Fischer and Sherman Leach.
Flight 3: 1st place—Bill McKinney and Jim Tratz, 2nd place—Gregory Campbell and Gary Ebel, 3rd place—Doug Ginter and Rick Westmoreland.
Flight 4: 1st place—Randy Bowley and Wade Petersen, 2nd place—Stan Hite and Ron Shrum, 3rd place—Michael Aykroid and Ian Downing.
Flight 5: 1st place—Rob Kraft and Robert Rochefort, 2nd place—Jerry Hill and Mike Riley, 3rd place—Mike Christensen and Skip Holmes.
Flight 6: 1st place—Mike Burke and Paul Parker, 2nd place—Mike Self and Joe Svoboda, 3rd place—Brian Kole and Ed Webb.
Flight 7: 1st place—John Curtin and Rich Jesko, 2nd place—Bill Fischer and Larry Hartsook, 3rd place—Kevin Sandberg and Dan Schmillen.
Flight 8: 1st place—Dean Bass and Arnie Lawrence, 2nd place—John Benner and Robert Brown, 3rd place—Jim May and Victor VanHorn.
Flight 9: 1st place—Lloyd Garner and Albert Williams, 2nd place—Jim Nowak and Bob Wolf, 3rd place—Tom Burrell and Bruce C. McMillin.
Flight 10: 1st place—Glenn Breen and Marty Schlotthauer, 2nd place—Kirk Harrison and Frank White, 3rd place—Pat Brisnehan and Bob Rottman.
Congrats to all those teams that cashed!