Mark Eichkorn
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association continued 7 a.m. shotgun starts to beat the summer heat. July golf included regular stroke play with weekly prizes for closest to the pin and long putt.
This month, we spotlight two of our volunteers for their service: Bill Lansing, board member (director of golf operations), and Joe Duch. Bill sets our schedule and events and oversees sign ups and cancellations. Joe greets us with a smile and checks us in on a weekly basis. Bill hails from Wisconsin and has been a member since 2017. Joe is from Michigan and has been a member since 2018.
August events featured the Goofy Golf Tournament. Players brought only four clubs, with four-man teams recording their two low net scores and four-man team Stableford recording their three low nets. Join us and enjoy the camaraderie!