PCM9GA’s 6th annual holiday party

Holiday party guests at dinner table, left to right: Todd Christensen, Kaycee Christensen

Holiday party guests at dinner table, left to right: Todd Christensen, Kaycee Christensen

Holiday party guests at buffet table

Holiday party guests at buffet table

Erv Stein

A total of 135 PCM9GA members and their guests celebrated our most highly anticipated sixth annual Holiday Party at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on December 8.

Our exciting and festive evening of dining and dancing began at 5:30 p.m. with a no host bar which allowed our attendees to loosen up and really get into the holiday spirit. Following our traditional Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag our current PCM9GA President Monte Page took over as MC and recognized our PCM9GA Executive Board and committee members for their outstanding and tireless efforts and contributions which have resulted in our current highly successful PCM9GA group.

The dinner for this event consisted of an outstanding buffet and once again our PebbleCreek Catering staff is to be commended for an outstanding job. In addition, the live entertainment and excellent dance music was provided by the Rhythm Edition which was very well received and many of our guests danced up a storm well into the late evening. A sizable number of door and raffle prize winners were announced which added to the festivities throughout the event.

Once again, Kudos to Doug and Sherry Wainwright, Holiday Party Coordinators, along with our outstanding PCM9GA Executive Board and committee members for their exemplary efforts in making this 2016 PCM9GA Holiday Party a truly exceptional and memorable event.

Our PCM9GA has a host of exciting events scheduled for the year 2017 starting with a Cha-Cha Tournament on January 12 and then our third annual Fun Day Out on January 14 which will be our Phoenix Coyotes vs. the Anaheim Ducks at the Gila River Stadium. Soon after, our next Beat the Pros Tournament will be held on February 2 and our annual Member Guest Tournament on February 23. Our extremely full event schedule continues with our annual Championship Flight Tournament, a two day event, on March 2 and 9 followed by our annual PCM9GA Awards Banquet scheduled for March 31.

Our PCM9GA, now at about 350 members, highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.