First Place Team Winners PCM9GA/PCL9GA eighth annual Mixer Tournament, row one, left to right: Kearin Kasper, Tricia Self, Suzanne Butler, Richard Schmidt, Betty Thompson, Christy Houser; row two: Rick Benger, Don Belonax, Pat Kaer, Jim Tackett, Ken Knox, Bill Schroeder

PCM9GA/PCL9GA Executive Board Members: Dave Eckert, Pat West, Randy Prinz, Brenda Sand, Ray Clements, Kathy Sork, Bruce Hulbert

All Winning Team Members – PCM9GA/PCL9GA eighth annual Mixer Tournament
Erv Stein
On April 14, our two PebbleCreek sanctioned nine-hole golf groups, the PCM9GA and PCL9GA, once again closely cooperated and the result was an outstanding eighth annual Mixer Tournament. A total of 140 most enthusiastic golfing participants, organized in 35 foursome teams, teed off in the familiar Scramble format utilizing our Falls, Lakes and Palms Tuscany nine-hole courses under outstanding weather conditions.
This Scramble format consists of posting a single team score since the best ball for each team member drive for each stroke is utilized for determining the net team scores for each hole. At least two drives were required to be utilized for each team member which somewhat created a relaxed playing mode for all team members since an errant team member initial drive may or may not have been relevant for the net score for a specific hole. However, crunch time prevailed when the last hole or two were played and some team members were under pressure since their last drive was mandated to be counted to meet the tournament format scoring requirements. In this case a good drive as opposed to a funky water ball or out of bounds shot would mean a winning team score as opposed to being an also ran. Adjustments to the nine-hole team scores were based upon the prevailing AGA handicaps for each team member. As expected, the competition was so very keen and a fraction of an adjusted team score margin separated the winners from all other competition.
The results were incredibly close with no more than two or three strokes separating the first, second and third place foursomes. Kudos to the winning foursomes as follows:
Course Team Score Team Members
1st 29.83 Ken Knox, Jim Tackett, Suzanne Butler, Christi Houser
2nd 30.49 Alan Hatfield, Skip Butler, Janet Jeans, Elaine Tyson
3rd 30.65 Ray Dombrowski, William McLindon, Diane Norgaard, Marlene Calder
1st 28.84 Rick Benger, Don Belonax, Tricia Self, Kearin Kasper
2nd 28.89 Mike D’Onofrio, Randy Prinz, Patricia West, Kay Little
3rd 29.33 Raleigh Andrews, Michael Edwards, Donna Liddle, Kathy Vienna
1st 28.92 Bill Schroeder, Richard Schmidt, Pat Kaer, Betty Thompson
2nd 30.95 Dave Eckert, Jim Halbmaier, Roberta Ginter, Kathy Tobin
3rd 31.89 Dave Peterson, Greg Sork, Carol Meier, Sally Ward
After the tournament we all gathered for drinks and refreshments on the patio in back of the Chianti Room at the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse to applaud the announcements of the winning teams. Special recognition is in order to Ray Clements, Dave Eckert, Randy Prinz and Bruce Hulbert, PCM9GA executive board members as well as Brenda Sand, Pat West and Kathy Sork from the PCL9GA as well as our committee members from both groups which worked so very tirelessly to make this event the smashing event which it truly was.