Low Gross and Net Score Winners – Round One and Two – PCM9GA/SCG Mixer Tournament

Incoming and Outgoing PCM9GA/SCG Presidents, left to right: –Present PCM9GA President Ray Clements, Incoming PCM9GA President Monti Page, Current SCG President Lino Mion, Past SCG President Stan Zeita
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA group, which has conducted numerous exciting and innovative golfing events in the past two years, just ran an extremely well received second annual Mixer Tournament with the Sun City Grand 9-Hole group. This two round event was held at the Desert Ridge Sun City Grand facility on Monday, May 9 and at our own Tuscany Falls and Palms course on Thursday, May 12 with 70 golfers from both groups participating.
The tournament was organized into team members in Flights A, B, C and D based upon the established AGA handicaps of each golfer with both PCM9GA and SCG members in each foursome. The grand total score for both PCM9GA and SCG was comprised of the composite best two low net and low gross scores from each Flight plus the Pros’ Gross scores for each event. While the talented Sun City Grand golfers edged us out the previous year by some margin, kudos to our PCM9GA participants which showed true mental toughness along with great golf shots and came through big time with a total aggregate score of 1,274 clearly ahead of the Sun City Grand 1,302 total.
Hats off to the following PCM9GA and Sun City Grand Mixer golfers with low gross and net scores which comprised the overall PCM9GA and Sun City Grand tournament results:
Flight A: Todd Christenson, Bill Wagner, Gary Draus, Monte Page, Bill Hareied, Skip Vachon, Wayne Mercia, Bob Schlack, Jim Corso and Rick Goodwin
Flight B: Don Belonax, Gary Houser, Greg McKenzie. Ed White, John Loiodice, Ron Silbaugh. Ed Petras, Stan Zeitz, Bill Bollinger and Bill Hill
Flight C: Rene Lefebrve, David Kennedy, Ron Svoboda, Jim Halbmaier, Gary Gamache, Bruce Pestell, Gil Helvitson, Jim Westfall, John Berg, Conard Kreick, Jared Fors, Patrick Moore and Ray Dombrowski
Flight D: Jack Tulaba, Clint Alston, Charles Hendrickson, Don Burrows, Mike Stone, Gordon Walls, Bill Jetmore, Lino Mino and Erv Stein
Congratulations to Don Burrows and Don Drummond who were the Closest to the Pin winners.
Following the SCG and PCM9GA events, lunch and refreshments were served at each facility and the winners were announced at the Tuscany Chianti room. While we were absolutely delighted as PCM9GA members to set the score even by winning over the outstanding SCG group, everyone simply had a terrific time and tremendously enjoyed this event. Special thanks to Jason Whitehill, our outstanding PC Golf Pro and Jeff Hochman, SCG Golf Pro, for their excellent assistance and also for the typical tremendous tireless efforts by the PCM9GA/SCG executive board members which included Ray Clements, Randy Prinz, Stan Zeita and Lino Mion.
The PCM9GA current membership role is close to 350 members and our Thursday tee times revert back to 7:30 a.m. starting May 21 to circumvent the scorching Arizona summer heat. We urge new interested members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The $50 annual cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.