And the WellBeats goes on…

Melissa Kallett

Don’t let the summer temps become your excuse not to exercise because the WellBeats virtual exercise classes are held indoors at the Tuscany Falls Fitness Studios. If you can use an ATM machine, you can use the WellBeats kiosk and take any of a number of fitness class options—from Zumba to Yoga to Kickboxing to body toning. Your fitness studio staff is available to guide you through the process.

To help you along, the Pounds Off eight week program started in May continues through June with WellBeats sessions scheduled for Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Of course you can use the WellBeats anytime the Studio No. 1 is not in use by live instructor-led classes. And—there is no cost to take a WellBeats class.

Other fitness options abound as well, as our instructor-led classes continue through the summer with only minor modifications as instructors depart for the summer. Check out the schedule of classes at the HOA website ( at the Fitness page.

And—keep tracking those cardio miles to see if you can make it to the convention of your choice. Walk, jog, cycle, swim—indoors or outside—and track your miles for the journey cross cardio challenge. You earn three miles credit for each mile you log on this 578 cross country trip (to the Republican Convention) or 690 miles (to the Democratic Convention). You have until mid-July—so onward you go!