Mike Eichkorn
The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) had a busy February. Ronnie Decker, head professional of Eagle’s Nest, gave members a clinic on debunking common golf thoughts: Keeping the Head Down, Eye on the Ball, Left Arm Straight, and Swing Easy. Ronnie broke each of these down and emphasized key concepts on what is really needed to improve your game. Ronnie’s lesson will ensure greater enjoyment and lower handicaps for the Niners.
The club held its two-day Member Appreciation Tournament on Feb. 16 and 17. The tournament consisted of four golfers per team and four flights. Day one’s competition format was a four-man scramble followed by day two’s four-man/2 low net format. It was a fun tournament, not to mention the thrill of watching your team move up the electronic leaderboard, and yes, the agony of defeat. Prize money totaled $2,080 for the two-day event.
Sixteen new members joined Alan Hatfield and Sam Ellis for coffee at the Eagle’s Nest restaurant. They explored the benefits of the club, such as how to utilize the website and meeting fellow members. All enjoyed the session and forging new friendships. Contact Alan or Sam if you want to learn more.
Last (but not least), the club celebrated Ray Dombrowski’s hole-in-one on the Tuscany East 4th hole.
Member-Member Tournament Results
Day One—Scramble Winners
Red Flight 1
1st: Tackett, Bradshaw, Larson, Fors
2nd: Carren, Troxell, Knox, Elfstrom
3rd: Macmaster, Stein, Cerri, Mattes
Red Flight 2
1st: Herman, Glascock, Rohr, Hacker
2nd: Scarnato, Schmidt, Becker, MacKenzie
3rd: Eichkorn, Whitney, Ellis, Volstromer
White Flight 1
1st: Brown, Hurst, Staley, Craven
2nd: Lansing, Risen, Lord, Schmidt
3rd: Heinz, Jerman, Mucha, Kosnoski
White Flight 2
1st: Wagner, Buell, Shaver, Yates
2nd: Kaer, McConaughey, McGovern, Halbmaier
3nd: Truax, Conroy, Dice, Rothwell
Day Two—2 Low Net
Red Flight 1
1st: Stahl, Swartz, Schwartz, Priebe
2nd: Ward, Craig, Wagner, Gault
3rd: Tackett, Bradshaw, Larson, Fors
Red Flight 2
1st: Lowe, Fritz, Engel, Vizzi
2nd: Kennedy, Kotyluk, Pizzello, Atwater
3rd: Peehl, Houser, Soesbe, Lueder
White Flight 1
1st: Brown, Hurst, Staley, Craven
2nd: Lansing, Risen, Lord, Schmidt
3rd: Heinz, Jerman, Mucha, Kosnoski
White Flight 2
1st: Hill, Schroeder, Sherlock, Walmsley
2nd: Fenster, Jordan, Bender, Duch
3rd: Wagner, Buell, Shaver, Yates
After the Member Appreciation Tournament, upcoming highlighted events included the PCM9GA Championship on March 23 and 24 and a mixer with the Lady Niners (PCL9GA) on April 14. The winter season ends April 28, and the start of the summer season is May 5. Looking forward to meeting you on the tee!