PCL9GA Members Share the Spirit of Giving Back

Bobbie Wagner and Sue Smith with a vehicle full of donations for the New Life Center

Diane Burns, Jo Dennis, and Debbie Tighe dropping off donations for Winters Well Elementary School

Cindy Hurst and Diane Burns

Two recent PebbleCreek Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) events showcased their spirit of giving back to the local Goodyear community while enjoying fun and friendship with fellow golfers. Not only is the PCL9GA’s purpose to promote, encourage, and advance women’s golf, but also to foster courtesy, sportsmanship, and paying it forward.

The season of giving started on Dec. 7 with the Let it Snow event that featured a golf game of Snowballs (Cha Cha Cha). Participants were asked to help with donations in recognition of Winters Well Elementary School (kindergarten through fifth grade).

The Lady Niners donated school supplies and $545 in cash, gift cards, and checks to Winters Well Elementary School during this holiday event. Sherry Trefz and Debbie Tighe organized the event. Gifts were presented to Jo Dennis, PebbleCreek resident and teacher at Winters Well Elementary School. The Lady Niners truly made a difference for the students and teachers with all their wonderful donations.

Next came the PCL9GA Memorial Game on Dec. 14, where the Niners honored the memories of fellow members who have passed away. At this event, donations were taken in support for the New Life Center.

Donations received included $2,385 in cash, checks, and gift cards, as well as gifts for the center that filled two sport utility vehicles. Our Lady Niners league is truly amazing! Thanks go to Sue Smith, Bobbie Wagner, and Diane Burns who organized this giving event.