Mark and Tina Turner enjoyed their round

Co-chairs Sheryl Trefz and Debbie Tighe
Ruth Ann Mitchell
On April 24, the PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) held the second annual nine-hole Par-Tee event at Tuscany Falls East golf course. The theme was “Fun in the Sun.” Each of the Lady Niners invited a spouse or friend to play in the nine-hole event. The format was Arizona One Ball. Debbie Tighe and Sherry Trefz co-chaired the event. Performance prizes were awarded at the conclusion of the tournament. Appetizers were served in the Tuscany Ballroom following golf, along with a no host bar.
Winners on the Tuscany Falls East Front course:
* First place: Linda and Pat Brisnehan, Shelly Gallagher and Claire Tupper
* Second place: Dale and Sam Ellis, and Sue and Kirk Harrison
* Third place: Norma and Ernie Guillaume, and Cathy Dosch
* Closest to the pin: Dave Korba
It was a beautiful day for golf, and everyone really appeared to enjoy themselves.