Randy Prinz
In March of 2015 PebbleCreek’s Director of Golf Jason Whitehill put together a plan to have a Putting Club for our residents. A meeting was held and later a board was formed.
The current board members: President Carrie Hull, Vice President and Webmaster Loretta Morris, Treasurer Bettyann Baumgartner and Secretary and Assistant Geanie Aldridge, Webmaster Susan Bergstrom and Officers at Large Jason Whitehill and Linda Thompson.
The club has grown very rapidly. When people found out how enjoyable the Putters Club is and that it takes very little of your day the membership exploded. People are joining daily. Since its inception it has grown to 255 members.
The club board is working diligently at updating and streamlining the daily operations and currently has a website by the same provider as several of the other PebbleCreek organizations. The website is www.pcputters.org.
The Putters club has been competing within its membership every Wednesday morning since March on the Tuscany Falls putting green. The play takes less than an hour to complete. It is a lot of fun, a great way to get putting practice and meet terrific PC neighbors. It is handicapped so even the novice and less experienced players can be competitive. There are prizes for hole-in-ones and low net scores for the day.
Come and join us: Carrie [email protected] Bettyann [email protected].