PebbleCreek Nurses Group with Bud Zomok and Kathy Hoskins of Banner Estrella Medical Center Volunteer Resources
Dee-Dee Patrick
Make a change that will impact your life in a positive way. Keep track of your heart health by getting your blood pressure checked.
The PebbleCreek Nurses Group provides this complimentary service every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Activity Center (Eagle’s Nest, Room 100) November through the month of May. This service is offered on the last Thursday of each month during the months of June through October. We will provide you with a card that has your blood pressure and heart rate recorded on it so you can compare additional readings or share with your health provider. You can also bring in your home BP monitor to have it compared for reliability with the electronic BP device.
A core group of retired and active nurses of PebbleCreek are able to offer this service through our affiliation and certification as volunteers with Banner Estrella Medical Center. The medical center supplies the manual blood pressure cuffs, wallet size cards to record the readings and educational materials for residents to take home with them. In addition, there is an electronic blood pressure machine that Care Bears purchased for the PC Nurses Group. This unit is maintained and calibrated by Banner staff.
Bud Zomok and Kathy Hoskins of Banner Estrella Volunteer Resources spoke with the PC Nurses Group at our January meeting to update us on the current developments at the medical center and answer any questions the membership may have had.
If you are a nurse (RN or LPN), retired or active, come join us at a breakfast meeting. It is an opportunity to socialize, meet individuals with similar backgrounds and listen to informative presentations. Topics scheduled for upcoming meetings include presentations by neighboring assistive living facilities, substance abuse disorders in nursing and specific diagnostic categories. No membership fees; just good networking and camaraderie. Meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Dining Room. Call Dorothy Freimuth at 623-536-7770 or contact her at [email protected] for more information.