Susie Moy, Diana Berty and Shirley Jacobs (Millie Callahan was not available)
Shirley Jacobs
This past April we said our goodbyes to instructor Sharon Scheffer. Sharon finished her tenth season as lead instructor and has now moved on to new adventures in the east valley with her husband Mike. A new team is in place and ready to take us into the 2016-2017 season of the PebbleCreek Line Dance Club. Shirley Jacobs will assume the role of lead instructor with Diana Berty taking the back wall as an assistant instructor. Susie Moy and Millie Callahan will continue as assistant instructors on the side walls. All of these ladies have assisted Sharon in the past and while Sharon left some big cowgirl boots to fill, the ladies are excited to continue for the PebbleCreek Line Dance Club’s twenty-second season.
Our club format will remain the same with classes starting on Monday, October 31. Wear comfortable shoes and a Halloween outfit if you’d like and join us! Beginner Classes will run from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. followed by Open Dancing from 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. These classes will be held in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Tuesday, November 1, we will begin our evening Open Dancing from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. also in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. There is no charge to attend these classes. If you have ever thought about learning how to line dance, please consider giving us a try. Remember, you don’t need a partner for line dancing.
Any questions regarding the PebbleCreek Line Dance Club can be directed to:
Beverly Bonich, president, at 623-536-1395
Shirley Jacobs, secretary, treasurer and lead instructor at 623-536-6049
Diana Berty, assistant instructor, 317-626-8982
Millie Callahan, assistant instructor, 623-935-5081
Susie Moy, assistant instructor, 623-322-0397
On a final note we would like to extend to Sharon best wishes on her new endeavor. There are many dance venues in the east valley for Sharon to visit and it would not surprise any of us to see her in a teaching role again!