The PebbleCreek Hiking Club held its spring potluck picnic on April 16 at Sunrise Park. Over 45 members enjoyed the good weather, food and festivities. Our regular hiking season ended on May 1. The new season will start the week after our September 17 meeting. Regular meetings are held in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month from September to April. For more club pictures and information you can visit our website at

The hikers included, left to right: Jan Sherwood, Les Reister, Art Arner, Atsuko Arner, Pete Williams (hike leader) and Lynn Warren (photographer).
Pete Williams
Six members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club did a hike on April 20 on the new Hogs Trails in beautiful Sedona. The weather was perfect and the scenery great! In addition to Sedona, the club does out of valley hikes in Prescott, Camp Verde, Tucson and Payson. In addition there are a couple of overnight hikes each year to places like the Grand Canyon, southern Utah, southern California and southeastern Arizona. The regular hiking season starts in late September and ends the first week of May. For more photos of club hikes please visit

Left to right: Lynn Warren (photographer), Steve Duncanson, Julie Walmsley, Pete Williams, Dave Geurden, Dana and Kay Thomas with Palo Verdes in the background coordinating with Pete’s poncho.
Lynn Warren
Ignoring a forecast of possible showers, seven PC hikers stayed close to home and ventured on a six mile hike in the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve on April 24. Since several of the hikers have northwest connections, most felt right at home with cool, cloudy conditions more like Seattle than Phoenix. As it turned out, the forecast was correct and the group got to hike for a few minutes in a rare shower and Pete Williams actually got to use the poncho that he carries in his backpack (of course, as soon as he put it on, the rain stopped). The hike consisted of a loop through the rolling terrain of the preserve, highlighted by desert blooms, with optional short spur trails to the top of two peaks for additional views of the valley. The club hikes five days a week during the regular season (September through April) and researches new trails two days a week during the summer; visit the club website at PCHIKERS.ORG for more information and photos.