Patrol Activity Report

Bill Kyle

Patrol Dispatched

Alarms All Other        13

All Facilities Locked at Night        30

All Facilities Unlocked AM        30

Animal Rules Leash        2

Animals Lost & Found        3

Animals Misc.        1

Auto Accidents        2

Barking Dog        0

Broken Gate Arms        7

Buildings Checked         120

Damage to Property        2

Dead Animal Pickup        19

Debris on Road        4

Disabled Vehicle        1

Disturbance        3

Dust Dirt Complaint        0

Escort Guest/Homeowner        2

Flag and Sign Violations        11

Flat Tire Assistance        1

Gate Malfunctions        40

Golf Cart Tow        30

Golf Course Rules        2

Holiday or Sign Violations        2

Home Owner/Guest Assistance        5

Jump Start        16

Lighting Rules        1

Lost and Found        2

Miscellaneous        31

Pool Rules        1

RFIDs Installed        155

Soliciting        3

Speeding Complaint by H/O        6

Suspicious Act/Person        10

Theft        0

Vacation Watch        380

Water Leak        13

Weeds        114

Welfare Check        6

Total Dispatches for Month        1,068

Violation/Courtesy Notices/Warnings

Driveway Parking        65

Disabled Parking Violations        2

Expired Passes        2

Fire Lane Parking        4

Garage Door        57

Unregistered Golf Cart        18

Illegal Gate Entry        15

Parking on Unpaved Surface        2

RV Violations        18

Speeding Tickets/Warnings Issued        22

Stop Sign Courtesy/Tickets Issued        36

Street Parking        55

Trash Rules        57

Total        353

Gate Counts

Tuscany Falls        78,062

Eagle’s Nest        43,862

Gate #2        18,001

Gate #3        6,907

Gate #4        27,840

Gate #6        19,305

Gate #7        19,158

Gate #8        24,770

Traffic and Pedestrian Rule 7.3 (g)

We have had several complaints lately about cyclists and other vehicles using sidewalks. Rule 7.3 (g): Subject to applicable laws relating to disabled persons, unless otherwise posted, sidewalks are for pedestrian use only (i.e., walkers, joggers, and runners) and, to enhance safety, must be utilized when available. It is recommended that walkers, joggers, and runners walk, jog, or run against traffic when sidewalks are not available. Use of Segways, skates, skateboards, rollerblades, and bicycles are not allowed on the sidewalks and may be used only on the streets. Persons participating in these activities acknowledge they are doing so at their own risk. This also applies to sidewalks in common areas.