Patrol Activity and Community Service Report

Patrol Dispatched

Alarms All Other        9

Animal Rules Leash        1

Animals Lost and Found        2

Animals Misc.        3

Auto Accidents        1

Barking Dog        5

Bee Complaints        0

Cones Placed        3

Damage to Property        1

Dead Animal Pickup        11

Debris On Road        4

Disabled Vehicle        1

Disturbance        6

Dust Dirt Complaint        0

Escort Guest/Homeowner        1

Flag and Sign Violations        1

Flat Tire Assistance        0

Gate Malfunctions        12

Golf Cart Tow        23

Golf Course Rules        2

Holiday or Sign Violations        1

Home Owner/Guest Assistance        12

Jump Start        16

Lighting Rules        2

Lost and Found        3

Miscellaneous        45

Pool Rules        2

RFID’s Installed        131

Soliciting        1

Speeding Complaint by H/O        7

Suspicious Act/Person        7

Theft        0

Vacation Watch        162

Water Leak        8

Weeds        8

Welfare Check        4

Total Dispatches for Month        495

Violation/Courtesy Notices/Warnings

Driveway Parking        33

Disabled Parking Violations        1

Expired Passes        18

Fire Lane Parking        1

Garage Door        101

Illegal Gate Entry        9

Parking On Unpaved Surface        1

RV Violations        7

Speeding Tickets/Warnings Issued        11

Stop Sign Courtesy/Tickets Issued        21

Street Parking        22

Trash Rules        54

Total        279

Gate #8 Construction Gate        670

Main HO Gates Count        100,135

Stop Sign Focus

All vehicles, including golf carts and bikes, must observe all stop signs. Patrol is putting         a special focus on stop sign violators. One of the most common complaints we get from homeowners is people running stop signs in golf carts or on bikes. For safety reasons, patrol may not pull you over at the time the violation is observed, but will follow you to your destination, where they will issue you a notice of violation and mail it to you.

Stop sign violations will not get a courtesy notice. They will get a notice of violation—a $50 fine.

Please be safe and remember that, to date, we have never had a bike or golf cart involved in an accident come out the winner.