Card Scores

Cribbage Club Gary Lind The Cribbage Club has weekly meetings on the first four Thursdays of each month at 1 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Sienna Room. We start promptly at 1 p.m., so please arrive a little early. The club is open to all Pebble Creek residents interested in playing a friendly game of…

Travel Tip

Igor Shpudejko Dear Fellow Travelers, If you  travel a lot and want to reduce your stress while checking in at the airport, you should consider getting the TSA PreCheck designation on your airline tickets. Having the TSA PreCheck will help you breeze through security as you don’t have to remove shoes, light jackets, or belts,…

PebbleCreek Bocce News

Kim Jacobs Congratulations to our Spring season champions: Tuesday afternoon—Rogue Rollers II Tuesday evening—Bocce Buds Wednesday morning—a three-way tie between Bada Bing, I have No Idea, and Larry’s Rollers Wednesday evening—Doozy Batz Thursday evening—Straight Shooters Friday morning—Rogue Rollers We hope everyone had a fun season and that you are looking forward to the Fall season.…

Word of the Month: Brook

David Zapatka While reading Esoteric Astrology by Alice A Bailey, I read, “He is instantly aware, once he is spiritually awakened, of his motivating impulses, and this leads him to an imposed self-discipline-the thing the Leo subject sorely needs and which must always be self-imposed and self-applied for he brooks no disciplinary measures which others…