Pickleball News: How Did It All Begin?

Charla McGue I was thinking about the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club of 1,700+ members and became curious about its origins. Who started it? When? How? I did a little digging and needed to go no further than Sarah Marsh, who led me to Beth Kelly, a wealth of detail on this very topic. So let me…

PCLGA Celebrates Women’s Day

Carole Schumacher The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Celebrated Women’s Golf Day by wearing red/orange during their play on June 4. They played an individual game but all the while with team spirit—despite the summer heat! This has become an annual event for the PCLGA to show their support of the international movement that unites…

Patrol Report

Bill Kyle, Community Services Patrol Dispatched Alarms All Other 2 All Facilities Locked at Night 31 All Facilities Unlocked A.M. 31 Animal Rules Leash 2 Animals Lost & Found 7 Animals Misc. 1 Auto Accidents 1 Barking Dog 2 Broken Gate Arms 2 Buildings Checked 42 Damage to Property 1 Dead Animal Pickup 32 Debris…

The Morning Dog Park Crew Celebrates Craig’s Birthday!

Joe Lorino The regular morning attendees of the Small Dog Park gathered to celebrate a birthday and bid farewell for the summer to our friends heading north. Everyone enjoyed barbecue, adult beverages, and music performed by Alan Hoxie. Missing from the party were the ones who brought the group together: three Charlies, Harley, Barley, Maggie,…

Ceramics Club Happy Hour

Gena Wikstrom The Ceramics Club met for the last happy hour of the season. Hosted by Bob and Janet Vine, ceramic members enjoyed lively conversation, discussed plans for the summer, and shared great potluck appetizers and desserts.