Gillian Driscoll The ukulele may just be the friendliest instrument in existence. We always say that we have never met a miserable uke player, nor a friendless one. At the PebbleCreek Ukulele Club jams we have a lot of fun and laughter, and we welcome newcomers into our circle. We are not cliquey or exclusive.…
November 2023, Clubs & Classes
Want New Friends? Learn to Play the Ukulele!
November 2023, Sports
PCLGA Annual Kickoff Tournament—Welcome to “Viva Las Vegas!”
Carole Schumacher The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association’s Annual Kick-Off Tournament will determine Lady Luck as we “Cha-Cha-Cha” at Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls golf courses on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Who will know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em? Golf Genius will pair the ABCD teams to form initial “hands” for the 8:30 a.m.…
November 2023, Clubs & Classes
News from the Shalom Club
Judy Freidman On a beautiful fall Arizona day, members of the Shalom Club met at the Creative Arts Center for a Road Rally, which we soon learned is similar to the Amazing Race. We got into our cars in teams of four and after detailed instructions from President Marsha Langfuss, we were ready for an…
Generals, November 2023
Mark Your Calendars for the Pickleball Club Toy Drive!
Pam McWhorter Bring a toy for less fortunate children in our area to our PebbleCreek Annual Toy Drive at the Pickleball Ramada on Dec. 2 from 8 a.m. to noon. Sign up for breakfast on the court reserve website. Toys do not need to be wrapped. There will be open play as usual on the courts.
Front Page, November 2023
Hikers Enjoy an Urban “Pub Crawl”
Lynn Warren The Hiking Club normally engages in serious hiking but recognizes that another important aspect of the club is social, so staged a hiking version of Octoberfest with a local 7-mile loop around the neighborhood on Oct. 2. The hike started at PebbleCreek much later than usual and stopped at three different establishments, ending…
Generals, November 2023
Kare Bears Health & Wellness November Offerings
Kathy Koncel Skin Evaluation Clinic Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. The good news is that skin cancer is very treatable when caught early. Kare Bears in collaboration with Regency Dermatology is offering PebbleCreek…