Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Events at Pebblecreek

Coming Special Events: Friday, September 12, One Hit Wonderfuls with tickets available now Sunday, September 21, Alley Cats with tickets available August 20 at 9:00 a.m. Friday, October 3, Tribute to George Strait; tickets available September 3 at 9:00 a.m. Parking Lot Sale, October 11; spaces for sale September 5 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 100…

2015 Source Book

We are working on updating the 2015 Source Book. Please take a minute to check your listing in the 2014 book. If it is missing or needs a change, please email us at [email protected]. Be sure to include the names you’d like listed (first and last), your home address, your email address and your phone…

PebbleCreek HOA Budget Summary-June 2014 YTD

The June 2014 financials show that the first half of 2014 finished with a strong financial performance. The first half revenues are 4.8% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their planned revenue targets. The strong financial performance by the Golf and Food & Beverage departments has contributed to the positive results for the first…


Art Walk Dinner Dance On Friday, October 17 the club will be hosting a dinner dance coordinated with PebbleCreek Art Club’s Art Walk Exhibit. Art Club members, especially exhibitors, and all PebbleCreek residents are encouraged to attend. Music will be provided by the Arizona Swing King’s 16 piece orchestra and the menu selections include grilled…