Pet Companions Club presents check to “Stable Influence”

Jim Ellison presents check to Chris Hudson with Dakota

On April 19, The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek sponsored a Charity Event with a significant portion of the net receipts to go to an organization called Stable Influence Charity Programs. An Arizona nonprofit organization, Stable Influence Charity Programs provides therapeutic horseback riding education for both youths and adults who are physically, mentally and/or emotionally…

Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek say goodbye to snow birds

PebbleCreek Rug Hookers at April party on Karen’s patio; Monika Jones, June Bennett, Barb Mauer and Sally Holmboe

Dee-Dee Patrick It’s that time of year again – when friends, neighbors and club members say “safe travels” to those who spend summers elsewhere and “see you in the fall” to one another. Like other groups, the Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek saw their attendance begin to diminish around mid-April. Each week is the last group…

Last basic handgun class until September 5

Henry Tom On Friday, May 2, 2014, the PebbleCreek Gun Club conducted its last free Basic Handgun Class for the season for its members. There has been a Basic Handgun Class every month since September 2013; that is eight classes with one exception when the class was cancelled due to the last minute lack of…

Arizona Pastel Artists’ Spring Exhibition

Sharon Adamy

Sherri Heitz Sharon Adamy won Best of Show in the spring 2014 Juried Spring Exhibition held April 18 to 30 at the Sedona Arts Center. Her painting entitled Twilight on the Seine was one of 75 accepted entries out of the 135 images entered. The Judge was Leslie B. DeMille who has been an instructor at…

PebbleCreek Art Club highlights

Elizabeth McCarthy, The Apple River

Sherri VanSchaick Visitors attending the 2014 PC Art Club’s Meet the Artists Fine Art Show and Sale selected Elizabeth McCarthy’s pastel The Apple River as The People’s Choice. Sherri VanSchaick’s colored pencil The Yin and the Yang of It and Sharon Adamy’s pastel Paris Street Scene were second and third respectively. The People’s Choice Award Committee members Charlene…

Art Club news

Sherri Heitz Sherri Vanschaik was asked to be a judge for the Buckeye Elementary School District’s third annual All District Art Show which was held on May 7. The show featured hundreds of pieces of students’ work from grades K through 8. Part of the mission of the West Valley Art Council is to connect…