In Passing

Clark Fuss

Clark Fuss Mr. Clark Edward Fuss, 77, of Goodyear, Arizona, died July 14, 2015. He was born June 15, 1938, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Edward and Madeline Fuss. He served in the Pennsylvania National Guard from 1955 to 1959 as a SP4 E-4 LT Truck Driver. He was a member of the Federal Law Enforcement…

Community meetings to be held

“And now for the rest of the story.” Remember those famous lines from Paul Harvey? This past spring, the HOA Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee sponsored Community Meetings to provide information to PebbleCreek homeowners regarding the values and benefits of living in our community. Since then, the SPC has been diligent in researching…

Annual Poinsettia Ball

Rosemary Holmes Begin your December holiday season by attending the ever popular Poinsettia Ball sponsored by the Italian American Club. The ball will be held on December 5, 2015, at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Dinner will be a four course meal. Dance music will be provided by the ever popular Pebble Rock Band. There will…

PCHOA budget summary – June 2015 YTD

Marion Moskal The June 2015 financials continued the positive performance from the start of this year. The June year-to-date revenue is 5.7% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their planned revenue targets. Strong resident support and dedicated efforts of all departments have been a significant factor to these positive results. June had 17 new…

PCM9GA and PCMGA follow on July 23 mixer

First Place Winners – July 23 Mixer Tournament, left to right: Gerald Kurtz, Jim Tackett, Grant Moorhead, John F. Adams, William Gainer, David Wattenberg; not in photo, Manuel Maciel, Steffen Jacobson

Erv Stein Fresh on the heels of our first ever joint PCMGA and PCM9GA Mixer Tournament conducted on June 11, a total of 92 most exuberant PCMGA and PCM9GA golfers teed off on July 23 for our second Joint Mixer event of the summer. Historically speaking, both the PCMGA and PCM9GA PebbleCreek men’s golfing organizations…