Experience the WellBeats

Melissa Kallett

Looking to take a Zumba-like class on a Tuesday afternoon? Feel like taking a Kick-boxing class on Thursday before dinner? Or how about some body sculpting on a Sunday morning? Look no further than the Tuscany Fitness Studios and the WellBeats fitness on demand kiosk. WellBeats is a virtual group fitness system that delivers exercise classes when you want them, not necessarily when we have instructors available.

There’s no cost to take a WellBeats class and the kiosk is easy to use. If you can use an ATM machine you can exercise via WellBeats, but if you need assistance your studio’s staff is available to assist. Just take the plunge and get started.

The classes available are offered on a number of different Channels with classes of various duration and targeting different areas—and they are women and men!

TKO Kickboxing Conditioning

Non-stop movement to channel one’s inner fighter


Lively step, total-body, cardio-driven workout


Straight sculpt to define, re-shape and recontour


Whole body training that targets every muscle


Yoga and Pilates with attention on breath, form, flow and body balance


No nonsense, total body training using resistance, intervals and circuits


Fast, efficient fitness classes when time is short


Active aging classes with a mix of cardio, resistance, balance, mobility


Edgy classes to get your groove on to the Latin, hip-hop beat

The Tuscany Falls Fitness Studios are open daily: Monday through Thursday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The WellBeats is available anytime Studio No. 1 isn’t being used for live instructor classes. You can find the Studios Class schedule on the HOA website: www.pebblecreekhoa.org.