Kevens Corner – What to do in your garden this month

Trim plants such as bougainvillea back lightly and fertilize. Once the temps are back down to double-digit, your plants will reward you with new, green growth.

Lyndie Warner The list of ‘to-dos’ for the October desert gardener can be rather long, but the results will be apparent when the weather cools and your plants begin to shine. Weed Control Toward the end of September, beginning of October, apply a pre-emergent. I use a product called SURFLAN XL, a granular product that…

Unit Happenings

Patrol Director John Singleton

October Unit Rep Meeting:  New director of Patrol and update from Gregg Clyme Gregg Clymer The next Unit Rep meeting will take place Monday, October 12 at 9:00 a.m. and will feature the introduction of PebbleCreek’s new Director of Community Services Patrol John Singleton. John brings more than 30 years of law enforcement experience to…

Pet of the Month


My name is Zoe! I want to get one thing straight right up front. I do not like anyone except my mom whom I love fiercely. I am not shy about telling visitors they are not welcome and not to let the screen door hit them in the butt on their way out. Also, do…

Artist Of The Quarter

Nancy Hampton displays her canvas Hisbiscus Red.

Nancy Hampton, first artist of the quarter Linda Strauss-Lewis There’s change afoot and artist Nancy Hampton is the PC Art Club’s inaugural debut painter. She is our first Artist of the Quarter, allowing you to see her artwork for all of October, November and December 2015. 2005 was the last time we honored Nancy. We…