PC Singles Club members are “Lucky Stiffs!”

Money, money, money, life is sunny when you win the PC Singles Summer Pub Quiz Bonus Round. Members of the Board Beauties team, Peggy Kuffner, Pat Milich, Anita Asp and Judy Shaffer count their winnings at the July Pub Quiz event.

Pat Milich In more ways than one, members of the PebbleCreek Singles Club count themselves lucky. First and foremost, there is that special feeling of belonging to a unique and diversified group of men and women who share common interests and enjoy each other’s company while participating in a variety of social, cultural and sports…

PebbleCreek Live On Stage

The ladies of Love, Loss and What I Wore: Jane Kelly, Barbara Faler, Ann Silverstein, Carol Horan and Dorothy Danner.

Love, Loss and What I Wore comes to PebbleCreek Carrie Mataraza We are what we wear, to coin a phrase, especially if we are women! Love, Loss and What I Wore, written by sisters Nora and Delia Ephron, takes us into the lives of five women where wardrobe becomes a time capsule of each of their lives. Based…

“I am a T.T.T. Camper”

Five of our campers with our camp chairman, Sandy Blackburn, waiting to get on the bus to camp.

June was camp month for T.T.T. campers, and what a great time they had. Pictured are five of our six Chapter P campers. Our sixth girl went to camp the week after these five because she was unavailable this same week. Fortunately, she went the same week as the Chapter Q campers so she had…

Breakfast with the Mayor

Goodyear Mayor Georgia Lord and City Councilwoman Wally Campbell

Shawnee Robison Sunday morning, July 5, as my friend Nancy and I sat having a wonderful breakfast in our very own Eagle’s Nest Dining Room, I spotted Goodyear’s Mayor Georgia Lord and City Councilwoman Wally Campbell enjoying the delicious buffet style breakfast fare as well! I was very glad to see them supporting and appreciating…