Old Timers celebrate a great party

Old Timers enjoying good conversation and renewing friendships.

Linda Wyman The PebbleCreek Old Timers held their sixth party to gather, share stories, renew friendships, look at old but memorable pictures and enjoy a wonderful Italian buffet on Sunday, January 31. 160 attendees that moved to PebbleCreek from 1993 to 2003 especially enjoyed viewing an air photo taken in the late 1990s that was…

Charity Golf to support American Heart Association

Left to right: PCL9GA President Brenda Sand, Patty Greene, Kathy Doerwald and Millennium High School Girls Golf Coach Vicki Terrell

Suzanne Butler Charity Golf to Support American Heart Association The PebbleCreek Lady Niners’ annual Charity Golf Event was held on January 19 and for the second year was in support of the American Heart Association. In keeping with the Go Red for Women theme, golfers donned red attire for the event. Co-Chairs Patty Greene and…

PebbleCreek Putters Club

Randy Prinz Welcome to the Putters Club! This is what is being told to many of our PebbleCreek residents as we are rapidly growing in our second year. The members have found this club to be very social and low pressure to the pleasure of our membership. It is great to hear from your opponents,…

PCSSA secretary

Rich “The Big Kahuna” Christiansen is secretary for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Board.

Lee Ayers Rich “The Big Kahuna” Christiansen has many responsibilities as the secretary for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Board. In a recent conversation, Rich told about his life and work background before moving to PebbleCreek. Rich grew up moving around the country and the world as his father was posted to various Army bases and…

PCM9GA members enjoy exciting Verde Canyon Railroad event

Erv Stein On Tuesday, January 26, 56 PCM9GA members and their guests went on the so well received and highly touted Verde Canyon Luxury Railroad Tour which was the encore off-campus non-golfing event of our group on the heels of the highly successful Turf Paradise event held last year. A chartered bus transported our members…

PCLGA Developer’s Cup results

Jane Wiederhold is presented with the Developer’s Cup trophy by Golf Pros Dave Vader and Ronnie Decker.

Mary Neeley The PCLGA hosted the annual Developer’s Cup Tournament on January 12 at Tuscany Falls and at Eagle’s Nest on January 19. The Developer’s Cup Champion is determined by the lowest net score over the field during the two days of tournament play. Congratulations to this year’s winner of the Developer’s Cup, Jane Wiederhold.…