Submit your service photo for Veterans Day project

Communications Team As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being added to Veterans Day activities on November 11, 2016. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective times of service, their names and periods of service will be shown. To accomplish this, PebbleCreek veterans are each asked to submit a photo…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Calendar of events August 4: Diabetes six-week workshop – Milan Room August 18: Abrazo Tour and Lunch September 13: Blood Drive – Palm Room September 15: Abrazo Tour and Lunch September 21: Kare Bears Monthly Presentation September 29 Pathways Tour and Lunch October 7: Hearing Tests – Tuscany Falls, Milan Room October 11, 18, 20,…

GoodTime Gals news

Pat Atkinson All women who live in PebbleCreek are automatically members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an email to send you news and announcements. To be added to our email list contact us at pcgoodtimegals@gmail with your name, address and phone…

Support during your journey with Breast Cancer

Rayma Scalzo Have you been recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer? If so, you may be frightened about your future and whether you will be okay. It can be overwhelming and often isolating. It is for these reasons that you might want to contact the Breast Cancer Group right here at PebbleCreek. Although we don’t meet…

Ballroom Dance Club

Tom Healy The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club continues the 2016 season with a casual DJ dance on Friday, September 16 in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Open to all PebbleCreek residents, tickets will be available at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk from 10:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays, August 30, September 6 and 13; Thursdays, September 1…