Welcome Joe Miller to the PebbleCreek Golf Resort Team

Tuscany Falls Golf Course Superintendent Joe Miller

Sue Wilson Joe Miller has joined the PebbleCreek Golf Resort team as the Tuscany Falls Golf Course Superintendent. Miller is part of the new golf organization structure that was announced this past May by the PCHOA Board of Directors and management team. The new organization, designed to be more streamlined and efficient, is focused on…

A Masquerade Ball – FFF style

George Warden The Flair Friendship Fun Club in PebbleCreek will present a unique and fun event to kick off the holiday season. All returning snowbirds are welcome to come to our Masquerade Ball. Bring out your best dress and don’t forget to wear or bring your most unique facemask. There will be a mask judging…

Giant goldfish in PC Lakes?

Susan Knox Wilson Biologists were recently stunned to pull a 15” goldfish from Lake Tahoe. And it had company: aquarium fish dumped by their owners have been multiplying in the lake – and growing enormous. Their secret? Plenty of food and little competition and, unlike people, fish will keep growing as long as they live.…