Just Announced! Phoenix SUNS Bus Trip – Sunday, November 27, 2016 vs. Denver Nuggets – 1:30 p.m. game time. Includes special PebbleCreek group perks! Tickets on sale now; $60 per person. The ticket price includes roundtrip Motorcoach transportation on the special Fox Sports Bus, a lower level seat in Section 112 and a special SUNS…
Generals, October 2016
Just announced – Phoenix Suns bus trip November 27
Clubs & Classes, October 2016
Pizza stone class offered
Maryalice Carl Hi, everyone. We at the Ceramic Club hope you had a wonderful summer. Kelli Frederickson, one of our marvelous teachers, is starting the fall with a marvelous class called Pizza Stone. This class is on Saturday, October 29, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The cost is $56 and it includes all…
Clubs & Classes, October 2016
PebbleCreek Gun Club offers basic handgun class
Susan Knox Wilson The PebbleCreek Gun Club is, once again, offering a handgun shooting class for residents interested in learning the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a handgun safely. The class will be held Friday, October 7, 8:00 a.m. to noon, at the Joe Foss Shooting Complex, 26700 W. Buckeye…
Generals, October 2016
Know your ALC
Your Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) works hard to keep PebbleCreek beautiful and help you maintain the investment you’ve made in your home. You can help by following the ALC Guidelines for landscaping and decorating your home. This Month’s Quiz: Find at least six landscaping or decorating mistakes in this mythical PebbleCreek home. The purpose…
Generals, October 2016
Kare Bears’ Korner
CPR/AED class October 21 Susan White Have you always wanted to learn CPR but never took the time? Well, here’s your opportunity to learn a lifesaving technique. The class will be held on Friday, October 21 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, Room 1. The CPR/AED defibrillator and resuscitation class is…
Generals, October 2016
Expressions Gallery – What’s new?
Sherry Blatner There’s always something new in the Gallery, and now we invite you to come on in to see and enjoy totally new categories of craft items. Ever heard of a scissor cozy? How about a vino valet? No? Me either. So come on down and check out these beautiful and handy new additions…