Men’s Christian Fellowship hears speaker from CAP

Larry Gleason On November 2 the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek heard a very informative presentation about the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) from Josh Kredit, the Center’s General Counsel and Vice-president of Policy. CAP is a nonprofit research and education organization committed to promoting and defending the foundational values of life, marriage and family…

PebbleCreek Community Church spiritual retreats

The PebbleCreek Community Church women and men spiritual retreats held October 29, 2016 at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse were a great success! They were attended by over 100 from the PebbleCreek Community. Dr. James and Liz Prette from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada were the guest speakers. Women attendee comments included, “Enjoyed spending time with Christian sisters…

Armed Forces Plaza – a place for honor

The PebbleCreek Armed Forces Plaza was full of gratitude as families of veterans gathered in a recent ceremony to view the installation of pavers they purchased honoring their loved ones. Pavers are installed quarterly. Visit the Activities Office for more information about pavers and the Armed Forces Plaza.

News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club

Hermine Sulzberg holding the knishes yet to be baked from those who participated in her Knish Klass

Laurie Rosenbloom December never looked so good with all the events we have planned for the Shalom Club! On December 18 (6:30 p.m.) in the Tuscany Ballroom, join us for a festive Chanukah Celebration. Complete with two carving stations, latkes, D.J. and dancing. Price per member is $29 per person, guests are $39, children (12…

Happy Holidays from T.T.T.

Laurie Overson The Arizona State Chapter of the T.T.T. Society is happy to present our 2016-2017 Officers. From left to right are State Secretary Laurie Overson, State Vice President Dianne Tretschok, State Treasurer Shirley Shiever, Chapter J President Karen Zakerwski and State President Emma Mosley. Diane, Shirley and Karen are from Chapter J in Tucson.…

Pub Quiz Nights return

Melissa Kallett It’s that time again—to challenge your brain and test your knowledge of all things Trivia! It’s time for Pub Quiz Nights at the Eagle’s Nest restaurant on select Saturday evenings from now through spring. The first Pub Night is Saturday, December 17. Tickets are $18, (includes buffet dinner, tax, tip and quiz fee).…