A gathering of Rovers

Left to right: Jim East, past president, Clint Alston, secretary/treasurer, Brenda Peterson, director, DK Loo, president and Doug Krause, director

Jim East The Rovin’ Pebbles RV Club held its annual Christmas Party on December 7 in the beautiful Chianti Room. Happy hour, dinner, raffles tributes and a video documentary of this year’s travels were all part of the evening’s festivities. Installed was the newly elected Board of Directors for the 2017 caravan season that goes…

Books ’n Lunch event

Lynn Cline P.E.O. Chapter DM is presenting our sixth annual scholarship benefit, Books ‘N Lunch, to be held at Christ Presbyterian Church, 925 N. Sarival Avenue on Saturday, March 4, 2017, at 11:30 a.m. Many members of chapter DM reside in PebbleCreek. This year we will have two fantastic local speakers. Shelley Coriell is an…

Thank you, Mr. Johnson

Classic Lionel train set at the Creative Arts Center

Mark Pelletier The PebbleCreek Model Railroad Club has two special people to thank this month and, coincidentally, they are both named Johnson. Thanks first to resident Michael Johnson for his generous donation of a pristine, classic Lionel model train set. You may have seen this train under the Christmas tree at the Creative Arts Center…