Lynn Matousek PCLGA member Barbara Younker achieved a hole-in-one on Eagle’s Nest No. 4 on November 18, 2016. While playing with friends Kittie Day, Bonnie Whittier and Julie Chung, Barbara hit her 6-hybrid on the 105 yard Par 3 hole. As the group watched the ball hit the green and run through the late afternoon…
Sports, January 2017
Sports, January 2017
Marylou Furaus wins gold and silver medals at National and Arizona Pickleball Tournaments
There were over 900 participants from the U.S.A. and Canada that participated in the eighth USAPA National Pickleball Tournament in Casa Grande, Arizona from November 4 to 14. Age groups were from 19 plus to 85 plus in five year increments. Marylou won the Gold Medal in Women’s 70 plus Doubles with partner Bev Youngren…
Sports, January 2017
Questars Financial takes early lead in PC Softball League
PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association’s first of three sessions for this year came to an anti-climactic end as the undefeated Questar team topped AZ Royal on Saturday, December 10. Questar scored five runs in the last inning to win nine to four. With the growth of the league to 13 teams this year, the Board of…
Sports, January 2017
Whose sock is it?
Sports, January 2017
PCLGA annual Red and Green Tournament
Clubs & Classes, January 2017
PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Clubs “Come dance with us”
Nancy Herrem The PCBDC Membership Drive Dance will be held in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on January 27. For those renewing their membership, or those becoming new members, your ticket to our January dance is free. Board members will be at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk 10:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays, January 10, 17 and…