Lynn Matousek PCLGA member Barbara Younker achieved a hole-in-one on Eagle’s Nest No. 4 on November 18, 2016. While playing with friends Kittie Day, Bonnie Whittier and Julie Chung, Barbara hit her 6-hybrid on the 105 yard Par 3 hole. As the group watched the ball hit the green and run through the late afternoon…

Whose sock is it?

Left to right, seated: Mary Barry, Sharon Johnson, Liz Fergione, Virginia Kitchel, Sue White and Barb Chilton; standing are John Barry, Terry Johnson, Angelo Fergione, Lee Kitchel, Jerry White and Lloyd Chilton

Susan White “Can you tell which of these folks is wearing which socks?” Sunday’s couple groups celebrate Christmas with a potluck at the home of John and Mary Barry. A sock exchange was also celebrated holding many different items.

PCLGA annual Red and Green Tournament

Red vs. Green

Lynn Matousek ‘Tis the season for the wearing of the Red and Green was the theme for the annual Red and Green Tournament held by the PCLGA on December 6 and 7, 2016. Co-Chairpersons Judy Layton and Maria Murray did a fantastic job of planning to make the Red and Green Tournament a great success.…