Spring Training bus trip planned

We have secured the VIP Terrace area for the exclusive use of our group! You’ll find some of the best views of the ballpark and surrounding area from atop the Terrace. It is a private, covered area, located on the third level behind Home Plate. It provides a comfortable, shaded place to enjoy the game…

Save the Date – 3rd annual DesertFest

Save the date! On Saturday, February 4, 2017, PebbleCreek will host the third annual DesertFest event from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. With a very exciting lineup of activities scheduled for this event—you won’t want to miss a moment! Enjoy live musical entertainment on the main stage in the Food & Wine Pavilion from 11:00…

Team Eagle’s Nest wins Robson Challenge Tournament

Eagle’s Nest Team - Winner of Robson Challenge Trophy: back row, left to right: Emma Mosley (co-chair), Cindy Tollefson, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Ronnie Decker, Carol Sanders, Pat Laatsch, Jane Wiederhold, Elaine Carlson, Sue White, Judy Newell (co-chair); front row: Carolyn Suttles, Kittie Day, Debbie Sayre, Donna Havener, Becky Rio

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA hosted the fifteenth annual Robson Challenge Tournament on November 16, 2016 at Eagle’s Nest Golf Course. The event’s Co-Chairpersons were Judy Newell and Emma Mosley. Twelve players and a Pro from each Robson Community participated in the tournament. Quail Creek, Mountain View/Preserve, SaddleBrooke Ranch, Robson Ranch, Ironwood and Oakwood players were…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Spur Cross Ranch The Dragonfly Trail Pete Williams Nine members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club did a hike on December 6 in the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area. The Dragonfly Trail they did goes through a riparian area known for its numerous bird species. The hikers also hiked along the Metate Trail which has many…

News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club

Board members Judy Ruck, Lil Wattenberg, Carl Schatz, Alice Neuwirth, Mark Frumkin and Steve Shaffer welcome Sun City Grand on November 13.

Laurie Rosenbloom Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year! The start of the New Year also brings about changes to our Shalom Club Board of Directors. * President – Carl Schatz * Vice President – Judy Ruck * Events Co-Chairs – Gail Brubaker and Joan Grube * Hospitality and Membership Updates – Co-Chairs Ann…