Robert Conley The PebbleCreek Democratic Club (PCDC) held its first meeting of the New Year on Wednesday, January 4, 2017, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Our speaker that evening was Darcy Renfro, PhD, Director, The Arizona We Want Institute, an initiative of the Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA). The CFA was established in…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
PebbleCreek Democratic Club news
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
French Fête de Noel
Betsy Crosson PebbleCreek’s one and only French club met this month for one of their special gatherings. The Fête de Noel is always a joyous event and was held at the home of Galen and Deborah Legan in early December. About 30 guests were treated to the Legan’s six-foot Eiffel Tower lit up with small…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Come meet the Miniature Therapy Horses on March 1
The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek would like to invite you to come out and meet the Miniature Therapy Horses visiting us on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. An exciting addition to Therapy Paws, Therapy Hooves has joined the non-profit organization located in the West Valley. They now have miniature horses going out on visits into…
Generals, February 2017
Community service/patrol report
Patrol Dispatches Alarms all other 2 Animal leash rules 0 Assist homeowner 30 Auto accidents 0 Bee complaints 0 Complaint Reports, Green Cards 20 Damage to property 0 Dead animal pick-up 0 Disturbance 1 Dust/dirt complaint 0 Fire arms, pellet gun 0 Fire 0 Flat tire assistance 3 Gate malfunctions 0 Golf cart tow 31…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Zumba holiday luncheon
Diane Passafiume The weather outside wasn’t frightful, in fact it was quite delightful, and since there was no snow, it was off to Verrado we go. We always have a great turnout for our luncheons and this was no exception. We had a chance to reminisce about holidays past, share stories about children, grandchildren and…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
PC Women’s Investment Club installs new board
Judy Cowan The new board of the PebbleCreek Women’s Investment Club (PCWIC) was installed at their last meeting in December. They are, from left to right, Tessie Sharp, treasurer, Marilyn Nagy, assistant treasurer, Diane Greeneich, co-president, Judy Cowan, co-president, Joey Arnold, vice president and Jackie Vandenburg, secretary. The PCWIC is open to all PebbleCreek women…