Artists of the Month – May 2024

Pottery/Sculpture Club: Sheila Millendorf When Sheila Millendorf graduated from Cooper Union in New York with a degree in fine arts, she likely would never have imagined the direction her artistic skill and vision would take her. While living in Santa Fe, Sheila honed her passion for multimedia minimalist art vignettes. It wasn’t until she moved…

Men’s Drop-In Tennis Annual Party

Ken Minichiello It was a perfect sunny day for the Men’s Drop-In Tennis Party in March at the Oasis Pool. Everyone had a great time enjoying not only the camaraderie and socialization among the players and their wives or significant others, but also for the great food that included BBQ, hamburgers and hot dogs, homemade…

Meet the Rescuers!

The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek would like to introduce you to our bird rescuers and specialists. These ladies have been working behind the scenes to rescue the many birds you have seen on our PebbleCreek Residents Facebook page and the PebbleCreek egroup. Cathy Countryman Cook is associated with Fallen Feathers, which is a rescue…

Men’s Niners Hold Club Championship in March

Ken Whitney March was a busy month for the PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA), with three special events offered to the membership. The PCM9GA Club Championship, originally scheduled for two nine-hole events, was cut to a single round event due to inclement weather on the first day of the tournament. The single round was…