PCM9GA Announces Winners of Step-Aside Scramble Tournament

Erv Stein Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) group conducted our second tournament event of the year on a quite temperate Jan. 23 utilizing the Tuscany West Course. With most of our snowbird active members being available, an almost full house of 132 highly charged golfers teed off at 1:30 p.m. in an often-intriguing…

Wine Club News

Debbie George Elections Wine club elections will be held in February, for the following 2025-2027 two-year positions: * Vice President—Arnold Hickey, running unopposed * Secretary—Donna Moffatt, incumbent and running unopposed * Reservationist—Robin Anderson, incumbent and running unopposed Upcoming Events March 18: Wine Mardi Gras featuring St. Supery wines. Don’t miss this fun event and wear…

PCLGA Ladies to Golf with the Stars

Carole Schumacher The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) will be “Golfing with the Stars” on March 18, 22, and 25 at their annual Club Championship tournament. This star-studded event will determine the 2024-25 PCLGA Overall Low Gross and Low Net Champions and Runners-up, and the “stars” within each flight will be rewarded with generous payouts…

Agua Fria High School District Groundbreaking Ceremony

In an exciting collaboration, West-MEC and Agua Fria High School District recently hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the upcoming West-MEC Career Academy at Agua Fria High School, opening in the fall of 2025. This event celebrated a partnership aimed at equipping Southwest Valley students with technical education and workforce skills tailored to meet the region’s…

A Problem of Alcoholism in a Relative or Friend?

Al-Anon now has a weekly meeting in PebbleCreek. If you are concerned about a relative or friend who appears to be suffering from alcoholism, you are welcome to join us. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their…