Left to right behind President Linda Migliore: Justin Pierce, Mark Brnovich, Randy Pullen, Daniel Pearson, Tom Horne, Jeff DeWitt, Al Uretsky, David Osterfeld and John Huppenthal
Liz Gibson
Thursday, May 1 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom the PebbleCreek Republican Club enjoyed another large turnout for its continuing meet the candidates program. Following a 6:30 p.m. social time, the 7:00 p.m. meeting was called to order and following the club business the action was on.
Continuing the popular format, the room was filled with round tables with one or more candidates at each table. After a set time for questions on the current issues and lively discussions, a bell meant all the candidates got up to move on to another table. Everyone in the room was able to get up close to discuss the current issues and another successful informative session met with a very favorable response.
The candidate attendees included: Attorney General Tom Horne; Attorney General candidate Mark Brnovich, Secretary of State candidate Justin Pierce, candidates for State Treasurer Jeff DeWitt and Randy Pullen, Arizona Superintendent of Education John Huppenthal and David Osterfeld, Al Uretsky and Daniel Pearson, all White Tank candidates for Justice of the Peace.