Lumbar Disc Herniation with a Pinched Nerve

Valley Pain Consultants

There is often confusion when diagnosing neck or back pain since many refer to their discomfort as being a pinched nerve or a herniated disc. The diagnosis is often correct because the two conditions are the most common problem of the pain, but they are both different issues that just happen to occur at the same time.

Typically, a herniated disc occurs in the cervical spine (neck) and lumbar spine (back). Disc pain tends to most often take place in the lower back where most weight-bearing and movement in the spine occurs. A pinched nerve is caused by a herniated disc pressing against the nerve. In most cases, a herniated disc is not painful, it’s the leaking gel substance which it contains that pinches, inflames, and irritates the nearby nerve.

A spine is made of twenty-four bones called vertebrae, but the lumbar (lower back) bears most of the weight of the body. In between each of the five lumbar vertebrae (bones) is a disc which acts like a tough fibrous shock-absorbing pad which prevents the vertebrae from rubbing together. A disc is filled with a gel-like center and if the disc ruptures or bulges, the gel substance escapes and causes irritation to the spinal nerves resulting in inflammation, pressure, and pain. Some may also experience leg pain, numbness, and tingling.

The spine contains many nerves which branch out and travel to various parts of the body. If a disc herniates it usually presses on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. These nerves pass through small areas between the vertebrae and the discs, so if a herniated disc presses into the area, it can compress (“pinch”) the nerve which results in the pain associated with a herniated disc.

A herniation may develop instantly or gradually over weeks or months. Many factors increase the risk such as lifestyle choices, aging, and poor posture. Obesity, inadequate nutrition and lack of regular exercise, as well as tobacco use, contribute to the condition. As the body ages, biochemical changes can cause the discs to dry out and be less capable to absorb shock from movement. Additionally, body mechanics such as incorrect lifting and twisting combined with daily wear and tear stress the lumbar spine. Rheumatoid arthritis and genetics may also contribute if a family has a history of the problem.

It’s important to seek medical attention if one is experiencing numbness, weakness, tingling, and extreme burning, or pain. An x-ray may be needed to rule out any other causes of back pain. Imaging tests such as a CT or MRI scan can verify the extent and location of the damage of the soft tissues. Sometimes a myelogram (injection of dye) is needed so the physician can view the problem area with more ease.

The condition is most often treated with rest, pain medication, spinal injections, and physical therapy. Many find improvement in approximately six weeks and return to normal activity. However, those with continuing symptoms may be recommended to have surgery. Considering disc herniation surgery is a huge choice to make, but ultimately, it may be the best choice for relieving you of pain. If you’re struggling to make a decision on whether disc herniation surgery is the best option for you, or want to learn more about the surgery itself, spine surgeon Dr. Tony Mork has plenty of information on his website. Over time, the herniation will shrink, and the pain will subside and perhaps eventually disappear entirely.

[CJ1]Chelsey, when I saved this I forgot to include the byline. It’s the 2 Your Health column from Carol’s client. Please add. Thanks!