Leadership During a Pandemic: An Interview With Ronda Jones, PebbleCreek Quilters Club (Part 2)

Ronda Jones

Linda Rowe

This is part two of an interview reflecting on how one PebbleCreek club leader met, and continues to deal with, the challenges of 2020 that are continuing into 2021. (See the June 2020 issue of the PebbleCreek Post for part one.)

What other concerns did you have?

One concern was how members would feel about not being able to access the Creative Arts Center, the long arm quilting machine, and the lack of classes. We made every effort to address their concerns. And, despite everything, our membership actually grew! We are up to nearly 170 members at this time and always have room for additional members.

What do you think accounts for this?

I believe that the membership is full of ladies, and a gentleman, who have a real love for quilting. It is in their blood and they were not going to let a pandemic stop them. I did not deal with any of the concerns alone. I have to give credit to our board members. They made suggestions about communications. They brainstormed and were motivated to not only keep things together, but moving forward.

Has community service and charitable donations changed?

The Community Service Committee, led by Patsy Wagoner, has continued successfully. Project kits were made for pick up from various member’s homes. With the quarantine, members had free time at home and this gave them purposeful things to do. While some charities put a hold on deliveries of items for a while, most are now not only accepting but requesting more and different items. Further, members took it upon themselves to make masks to help others in our community. We were fortunate to have plenty of fabric while also accepting donations from the community to meet our needs.

What do you see for the PebbleCreek Quilters Club moving forward?

I feel we are blessed to be at a Robson Community with a great facility available to our members. While we still have to be careful by having fewer people be in the Fiber Arts Room and following infection control procedures, things are gradually returning to normal.

The Creative Arts staff have worked hard to communicate with us on not only the changes, but the rationale for the changes. In addition, Cheryl Neal, Sherri Van Schaick, and the entire Creative Arts staff have been phenomenal. They have answered any questions we had. And, if they didn’t know, they were quick to follow-up and provide answers.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I’m very honored to serve as President of PC Quilters Club. I’m grateful for the support of an optimistic and motivated board. And, I’m very grateful for the understanding and the desire of our members to stay connected through good times and challenging times. We anticipate many good things in our future.