Kettlebell workshop

Ann Merrill

Kettlebells have been enjoying a surge in popularity in recent years and for good reason, too. It’s all in its shape—a cannonball with a handle. Because of this, workouts are very versatile. You can perform ballistic exercises, which are fast and explosive movements and grinds, which are slow and deliberate. This allows for a combination of strength and endurance training all at once. In addition, every kettlebell exercise is a total body exercise. So, in a nutshell, kettlebell training emphasizes functional strength, muscular endurance, proper posture and flexibility all in one workout for faster results.

Here at PebbleCreek we are now offering six fun and fast paced kettlebell classes per week and to get ready for these classes, during the month of October, we are offering a kettlebell workshop which runs every Friday at 12:15 p.m. led by Patti Luccitti. The first workshop is October 3. Cost is $4 or $3 with prepaid group fitness class card. At the workshop you will learn about safety, finding your neutral spine, the hip hinge, self-assessment for shoulder and hip mobility and the most essential kettlebell exercises such as the deadlift, the swing, the clean, goblet squats, presses, windmills and the half Turkish getup. Throughout the class you will be instructed, step by step, how to safely and properly perform these moves. While this workshop is not designed to be a workout, you will be performing standing and floor exercises as you learn each move. Perhaps lifting shoes from Ryderwear would be a good piece of equipment for those looking to begin weightlifting to invest in for a more effective workout.

This workshop is strongly recommended for everyone before entering any of the regular kettlebell training classes. Whether you’re a novice or a kettlebell veteran, whether you’ve never had instruction on the proper mechanics of each exercise or you just need a refresher course, you will benefit from this workshop. You should take this course at least once in order to be well prepared for the regular kettlebell training classes. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Kettlebell Workshop so you can safely take your fitness to the next level.