Kare Bears’ Korner – March 2025

Marketing Director Needed

Tracey Schryver

The Kare Bears House is seeking a volunteer marketing director to join their team. If you’re energetic, creative, and enthusiastic, this might just be the volunteering position you’re looking for.

The marketing director will be required to attend a monthly meeting, work from home a few hours a month, and attend Kare Bears events. Communication and marketing experience is a plus, but if you’re willing to learn, the Kare Bears Team can help to train you.

If you’re interested, please email Mai Nacht at [email protected].


Thank You, Source Book Committee!

Tracey Schryver

On Feb. 16, the Kare Bears Source Book Committee lined Robson Circle just outside of the Kare Bears’ House to distribute the Source Books to delivery volunteers. The committee members led by Laurel Prom also included her husband Pat, Jerry and Jean Kopstein, Matt and Tracey Schryver, and Barbara Harvey. These committee members worked throughout the year to ensure everything went smoothly for the February delivery date.

On delivery morning, the crew gathered with the 70+ pickleballers, Dan and Dovey Zukowski, Jerry Linton, and Jamie Piercy. These workers handed out thousands of Source Books and community maps to over 170 delivery assistants. These special assistants then hand delivered each of the books and maps to homeowners’ front doors! This was a huge undertaking, and the committee members wish to thank all of those involved in making the 2025 Source Book and map delivery a huge success.