Just Folks Dr. King Jr. Celebration

Phylice Walton

Just Folks held its annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration on Jan.20 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Our theme “Where do we go from here? Community or Chaos” was highlighted throughout our celebration.

We had three speakers, Rev. Richard Holmes, Tanner A.M.E. Church, student speaker London Moore, and Signa Oliver. Our speakers brought a variety of talents, abilities, and education that enhanced their time with us. Throughout their presentations, hopefulness, caring for one another, and activism was encouraged.

Contemporary dancer Alexander Patrick graced us with an inspirational dance rendition that showcased his amazing technique and enthusiasm. Our fellow PebbleCreek resident Maurice Washington was our guest soloist. He beautifully sang several spirituals acapella and led us in singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and “We Shall Overcome.” We left inspired, encouraged, and uplifted.

Please plan to attend our Dr. King Jr. celebration in January 2026!