John Flynn—A Tennis Club Treasure

Donna Gillen

Recently the PebbleCreek Tennis Club lost a member who was so involved in leading this club both as president and as a mentor to players and club members. He also was a very talented musician who was vital in adding musical color to many of our social events with his smooth voice and robust guitar performances. He was so encouraging to new as well as seasoned members and worked diligently in making our club a top-notch organization in the west valley.

Last summer I asked John about his love for tennis. Here is his response:

“I started playing tennis at age 13 when I realized baseball was not my sport. My older brother was a really good player and I had been around the sport for many years. I played in high school and on the freshman team in college. At age 21 I began working part time at Portland (OR) Tennis Center giving group lessons to adults and, in the summers, I traveled to parks around the city giving lessons to kids, sometimes 20 or more at a time. I was a high school teacher and tennis coach for over 30 years including at Agua Fria High School when we retired to PebbleCreek.

I have been certified as a USTA umpire since 1981. I still work national events, but a highlight was being an official at the U.S. Open in the 1990s.

These days I play three days a week in PC with a 3.5 group and some 4.0 players. I credit tennis with helping my fitness level as well as keeping my mind engaged by socializing with a great group of guys. The tennis club socials are another way to meet new players and have fun. I feel fortunate to be playing tennis at age 80 and hope to continue for a few more years.”

The PC Tennis Club has lost a gem. Our heartfelt love goes out to Carmel, his wife; to Sean and KC, his sons; and his family.